A Healthy Lifestyle is Possible | Gastric Sleeve Mexico

Have you been struggling to lose weight for a long time, and no matter how much you try, you can’t see satisfactory results? Rest assured that you are not the only one. Millions of people are in this same fight day after day, and if you are reading this, it’s a clear sign that you refuse to give up. Therefore, let us tell you about gastric sleeve Mexico, an option that may be ideal as a safe and effective tool to lose weight permanently.

Gastric sleeve Mexico is a procedure that has been proven extremely successful for those seeking to improve their quality of life in the long term. This bariatric procedure reduces the stomach by up to 85%. Thus, it also reduces its capacity and volume. In fact, from the first weeks, you start to experience considerable weight loss.

In the first month, you can lose 20 to 30 lbs. approximately, and in the following months, you will continue to lose more and steadily and continually as a result of tiny portions of food, physical activity, and a healthy diet. As a result, some have managed to lose between 20% to 80% of their excess body weight only in the first year and up to 100% in the following months.

Why should you undergo weight loss surgery in Mexico?

Remember that bad day when you looked in the mirror and didn’t like what you saw? Maybe that’s when you started trying to change what you don’t like about your appearance and health. The reality is that many obese patients have not even realized how they got there. However, obesity goes beyond an aesthetic issue. It is a condition that needs to be treated. That is the exact reason why many people have undergone weight loss surgery in Mexico.

Among the most common causes of obesity are genetics, learned habits, hormonal problems, or low self-esteem. Usually, it happens when you consume more calories than your body needs. Those who have gained excess weight often find themselves falling into incorrect routines, such as eating large amounts of food too quickly, so they do not give the body time to feel satisfied.

Additionally, a big trigger is a sedentary life that leads to frequently eating fast food, sweets, sugary sodas, or alcohol due to anxiety and stress. Of course, even if you experience a momentary sense of pleasure, it can have tremendous consequences for you and your health. These are some examples:

  • Depression

Sometimes a person’s self-esteem can be affected by being overweight. Many tend to suffer constant sadness or even lose interest in activities that they previously enjoyed.

  • Heart disease

It is common for those who eat a high-calorie diet to be prone to high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, which can lead to serious heart complications.

  • Social isolation

Unfortunately, many people have experienced discrimination sometimes, so many avoid social activities or perhaps lack the motivation to participate in physical activities.

  • Type 2 diabetes

Overweight people have difficulty controlling blood sugar levels, which is why many tend to develop diabetes and its adverse effects.

  • Sleep apnea

Beyond loud snoring, apnea is a severe condition in which the airways narrow, breathing stops, and it occurs several times during sleep. Thus, leading to other health problems.

  • Complications of COVID

It is proven that those who suffer from obesity can present serious symptoms if they become infected with COVID.

How to overcome obesity – Gastric sleeve Mexico

Some say that one of the most powerful forces for change comes from someone who is inspired to live better. Many bariatric patients prove that to be true. Yet, you may have willpower, but you may have wondered what the best weight loss methods are. Perhaps, you’ve even tried a few alternatives, like strict diets or extreme exercise routines, and still haven’t gotten the results you are expecting. However, this does not mean that your efforts have been in vain. On the contrary, they have been training for this crucial step.

Bariatric surgery such as gastric sleeve Mexico is not an instant and magical solution. Instead, it’s a tool that opens the way to a new lifestyle that will provide long-lasting benefits. One of the objectives of this surgery is to regulate the hormone responsible for controlling appetite and insulin. The process is simple: you will eat less food with a smaller stomach and feel full faster.

Those who have decided to undergo gastric sleeve Mexico are aware that it is an irreversible surgery. Statistics say that 3 out of 10 patients can regain weight if they do not change their lifestyle. So, the key to success is largely up to you. It may take you a while to integrate new habits into your routine, but remember that you have the best weight loss surgery experts who will accompany you during this stage of your life.

What you need to enjoy fantastic weight loss results

Internal changes always precede great external changes. So, if you want to achieve a complete transformation, you must make sure to consider the following:

  • Commitment

If you want to have long-term effects, it is vital that you commit to yourself. You will need to be willing to change your way of thinking, your eating habits for life, and have an active routine that exercises your body.

  • Choose safe and high-quality medical service.

Don’t risk your life with cheap doctors. At Health & Wellness Bazaar, we have a highly certified and specialized team in each medical field. Backed by their work, they have been forging themselves among the best bariatric surgeon in Tijuana for fantastic health and appearance. With us, you will be in the best hands.

  • Surround yourself with positive people

One factor that will help you cope with these changes is having the constant support of friends and family. Family may participate in your new eating style, and if you surround yourself with friends who do not make you fall into temptation, it will make the journey easier. There is no better way to show your love than by making this easier for yourself.

  • Determination

It is the virtue of persevering and being determined to achieve a purpose. We are sure that there is a great strength within you that, accompanied by constant work, will allow you to succeed.

What else should you know about weight loss surgery?

Undergoing gastric sleeve Mexico is one of the safest, most effective, and proven successful interventions for losing weight. One of the advantages is that it is a minimally invasive procedure with hardly any complications and allows you to recover quickly.

If you want to know if you are a candidate for this surgery, do not hesitate to contact us. We will gladly inform you about the available weight-loss and plastic surgeries in Mexico, and we will help you answer all your questions. You can schedule a free consultation or information session with an expert. Call us today at +1 (858) 779-2552 or email us at info@hwbazaar.com.

gastric sleeve mexico

Health & Wellness Bazaar is your trusted one-stop shop for anything related to Medical Tourism in Tijuana, Mexico. We are a full-service Patient Advocacy team devoted to your health, safety and satisfaction when you choose to travel to Mexico for medical care. Your only concern is your recovery, we take care of the rest.

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