Losing a large amount of weight thanks to weight loss surgery, or after a rigorous diet and exercise, is a great accomplishment to be celebrated. Many people yearn to accomplish such a goal because of its benefits: enhanced outlook on life, personal appearance, and above all, significant health improvements. Thus, the quality of life is in its optimal state. It is well-known that the problem of obesity approaching epidemic proportions.
Therefore, an increasing number of bariatric patients are now turning to plastic surgeons for body contouring to remove excess skin remaining after their successful results. The best plastic surgeons in Mexico have skills and experience to counteract the effects of dramatic weight-loss.
Plastic surgery in Mexico reconstructs body parts after an illness or dramatic weight loss and it is one of the fastest-growing reasons why an increasing number of patients are seeking this solution. For example, many bariatric patients who have achieved significant weight loss can be left with large amounts of saggy, loose folds of skin around the face, arms, thighs, breasts, buttocks, and of course, abdomen.
Typically, the skin has those results and loses elasticity because it had to stretch for an extended period due to excess body weight and size. It is natural that after a significant weight loss, the skin fails to shrink back to its former size and shape. Thus, requiring body contouring.
Adverse effects of excess or saggy skin
When a patient is left with excess skin, it can affect the simplest daily tasks such as getting dressed, doing physical activity, and even result in medical problems and poor hygiene. Besides, infections, sores, and rashes can appear because of excessive skin-on-skin contact.
The best plastic surgeons in Mexico confirm that excess skin is also a cosmetic problem. It is only natural that bariatric patients who have lost a large amount of weight often cannot wait ho enjoy bodies that reflect the new, more positive image they work so hard to get. Very often, the only way to remove excess skin is through body-contouring plastic surgery.
When is the best time to undergo a body contouring?
Many patients plan body contouring procedures as part of their health and weight loss journey. It is vital to plan your procedure just right to maximize your results thanks to the best plastic surgeons in Mexico. The following factors are essential to take the time to consider when deciding when the optimal time to undergo a body contouring.
Having stable weight for at least one year with no further weight loss expected in the short term. To achieve the ultimate expected results, body contouring should not be planned for approximately two years following the start of any intense weight loss program and/or bariatric surgery. Why is it so important? Because that period will allow the skin to shrink as much as possible, and the nutrition will be stabilized. Thus, the recovery process will be shorter and effective.
Good overall health. The best plastic surgeons in Mexico recommend that people with poor health or chronic conditions such as hypertension and diabetes are not good candidates for body contouring procedures. However, thanks to bariatric surgery, a significant number of patients have experienced a reduction and remission of those diseases. Thus, making them good candidates for body contouring. Of course, each patient should consult with his or her primary care physician for approval to proceed with any type of surgical procedure.
Healthy habits. Poor eating habits and nutritional deficiencies, especially when it comes to protein, may interfere with the post-op healing process. On the other hand, bad habits such as smoking, also interfere with the healing and increase the risk of severe post-op complications. A person who smokes must quit smoking a minimum of six weeks before the surgical procedure.
Mental and emotional stability. Just like in many surgical procedures, a body contouring procedure requires mental stamina and a positive outlook in general. Having realistic expectations is vital. Plastic surgery will significantly improve your body shape. However, it will be impossible to restore your skin or body to the way it was when you were young or to look like movie stars. Naturally, even after body contouring surgery, skin continues to sag over time as part of the normal aging process we all experience.
What types of procedures does body contouring include?
First, it is essential to let you know that when it comes to skin reduction, it is better to do it in stages. Therefore, complications such as infection and blood loss can be reduced to a minimum. Besides, body contouring is often done over different over an extended period as one or two areas of the body are addressed individually.
The best plastic surgeons in Mexico will base their medical recommendations about the best strategy to follow in order to satisfy all of your needs safely and efficiently. The plastic surgeon will work with you to identify areas in your body that are the most problematic or that you want to improve. What are the procedures that body contouring includes?
Tummy Tuck. – Abdominoplasty is the medical term, but the name tummy tuck in Mexico has gained much popularity. The plastic surgeons remove excess skin and tighten the abdominal muscles. Of course, together with your surgeon, you may determine if you only need the removal of excess skin. When a patient decides to have the abdominal muscles tightened is mainly for cosmetic purposes, not necessary as the result of weight loss.
Buttocks/upper thighs. – A belt lipectomy (body lift) is a surgical operation to remove skin and lift the buttocks and thighs. Usually, this procedure is performed following am abdominal surgery or tummy tuck. The plastic surgeon will make work on the belt area in the upper hips to remove excess skin.
Thighs. – The purpose of a thigh lift procedure is to remove excess skin from the upper leg from the inner thigh o the knee area.
Breasts. – There are several breast procedures available. For example, a breast lift with or without augmentation (enlargement with implants) can be done. Also, breast reduction removes excess skin. As a result, women can have either more volume or proportioned sized breasts.
Arms. – The purpose of this procedure, also known as Brachioplasty, is to remove excess skin of the arm, from the armpit to the elbow areas. At times, this procedure is combined with breast plastic surgery.
Face and neck lifting. – This is like a traditional facelift, except that after weight loss, there is more skin around the face or neck to be removed. The plastic surgeon will make his incision around the ear and into the hairline to ensure optimal results.
As mentioned earlier, a combination of surgeries may be done at the same time. For example, upper body procedures may include a combination of operations to the arms, back, and breasts. On the other hand, lower body procedures may consist of surgeries on areas such as the hips, thighs, abdomen, and buttocks. Of course, the best plastic surgeons in Mexico will personalize the procedure and create a surgical plan that is tailored made to each patient.
Trust the best plastic surgeons in Mexico
Why not let us know what your plans and expectations for plastic surgery are? If you need a procedure after a dramatic weight loss, or simply want to look better, get in touch with our Health & Wellness Bazaar agents. Call us at (858) 779 2552 or fill the contact form and let us know your plans and expectations.