How to Start an In Vitro Fertilization Process

Mexico for IVF

Are you looking into having a baby? If so, you will be interested in knowing all the options you have at your disposal to increase your chances of successfully forming a beautiful family. Our top-rated fertility clinics in Mexico offer helpful advice and the best solutions depending on your needs and expectations.

One of these most recognized and recommended treatments around the world is IVF, that is, in vitro fertilization. This procedure is a safe form of assisted reproduction. As a result, numerous people and couples have found remarkable solutions for infertility through IVF. But who are the best candidates for this option? How is the IVF process made? What do you need to know about IVF? We will now consider the answer to these questions.

How are candidates selected?

Attending one of the fertility clinics in Mexico is vital in this process since, in this way, specialized doctors can evaluate your complete clinical process. Some key factors to consider include:

  • Cause of infertility

A crucial part of proper treatment is knowing the root of the infertility problem. Among the most common causes are abnormalities in the production of eggs or sperm, damage to the fallopian tubes, uterine fibroids, or endometriosis.

  • Age

In general, the younger the patient and their partners are, the more likely they are to have a successful outcome. The age limit is around 40 years old or more, depending on each person. Some couples may also choose to use donor eggs or embryos for their process.

  • Lifestyle

Some important habits that can influence fertilization are the consumption of substances that are harmful to the body. For example, some could be the use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, among others. These are particularly harmful to women since they increase the risk of miscarriages, and the chances of getting pregnant are reduced by up to 50%.

  • Expectations

The experts of IVF in Mexico believe that regardless of the circumstances of each situation, it is essential to be aware of both expectations and all the scenarios that may arise throughout the process. Also, they must determine if you have the physical, economic, and emotional conditions to undergo this process successfully.

How do you start the IVF process?

At our top-rated fertility clinics in Mexico, you can find the guide, the experience, and personalized attention and care during this process. The first step is to have the fertility experts analyze the sperm, the ovarian reserve, test for possible conditions, perform a uterine examination, or perform other routine examinations. Once done, the doctor will be able to determine if the person or couple has the appropriate medical conditions to undergo IVF.

In case this first part of the process reflects they are not eligible, the fertility specialists will provide alternatives to conceive or may order medications for ovarian stimulation or sperm production.

The second step is to evaluate and think about how the different scenarios will be decided, for example:

  • How many embryos to transfer. Generally, more than one embryo is placed at the time of implantation. Depending on the age, the country’s laws, the couple’s wishes, and the doctor’s recommendation, the number of embryos to be transferred must be agreed upon by all.
  • Excess of embryos. Although several eggs can be fertilized, not all can be transferred to the uterus. Therefore, a decision will have to be made about what to do with the remaining embryos. Some choose to freeze and store them, running the risk that they will not survive thawing.
  • Multiple pregnancies. In IVF in Mexico, there is the possibility that several embryos will survive in utero, but is the person or couple ready for multiple pregnancies? Have you considered the possibility and the risks? What ethical and moral questions can arise?
  • Sometimes not all the elements are ideal for the conception of the baby. Even so, there are alternatives, such as the use of donors. Be it egg, sperm, or even a surrogate mother. Those involved will consider medical, emotional, and legal issues.

What Should You Expect During the IVF Process?

The third important step is to start the fertilization cycle, which lasts for about two weeks. At our fertility clinics in Mexico, the ovaries are stimulated, eggs and sperm are obtained, fertilized, and finally, the embryo transfer is carried out.

You may wonder what to do during these two weeks. One of the best ways is relaxing and staying stress-free. Some decide to enjoy the various fantastic destinations in Mexico during this period. Naturally, both of you will experience many emotions typical of this new illusion. And precisely, an all-inclusive package for medical tourism Mexico will allow you to reduce undue anxiety.

The fourth step after embryo transfer is to wait a little more. Although you can resume your everyday activities, it is best to avoid strenuous activities until your doctor tells you to. Some experience breast sensitivity, mild cramps, or swelling. In case of acute symptoms or pain, you should inform your doctor right away.

After two weeks, you will have a review in which you will be informed of the result of the fertilization cycle through a lab test. If this cycle is successful, your doctor will refer you to a healthcare professional to monitor your pregnancy, or you can choose one that you prefer close to home. And if this first try didn’t work, don’t worry, you can try the IVF cycle again.

Are there any risks in IVF to consider?

While IVF is the best hope for couples trying to conceive, the reality is that, like in all medical treatments, there could be some minimal risks during the process. For instance:

  • The risk of miscarriage is between 15% and 25% -age usually increases that rate.
  • Ectopic pregnancies, that is, those that arise outside the uterus. Thus, they cannot be consummated. The probability is 2% to 5%.
  • If multiple eggs are fertilized, this can lead to multiple pregnancies, which might cause a greater risk for both the fetus and the mother.
  • Even with proper care, there is a minimal risk of delivering prematurely or having a low-birth-weight baby.
  • Hyperstimulation syndrome, which occurs when the ovaries become inflamed, and it can cause pain. It may be due to medications that induce ovulation.

Of course, there are many myths about IVF that have been proven utterly false that you should not learn, so you don’t feel afraid of this process.

Why choose IVF in Mexico: Fertility Clinics in Mexico

After trying various methods, IVF through medical tourism has proven to be one of the best alternatives available to many couples. You may soon become part of the numerous success stories and have a family of your own. If you and your partner want to know more about the treatment or still have some questions, do not hesitate to reach out to our top-rated fertility clinic in Mexico. We want to listen to your concerns and help you achieve your dream to experience the miracle of giving life. You can write to us at or call us at (858) 779 2552.

fertility clinics in mexico

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