Hair Transplant in Tijuana

Are you losing hair? And are you worried about baldness? If so, you are not alone, as 64% of the world’s population is also concerned. Several causes can trigger hair loss. However, there is an effective solution that can help you counteract baldness, and this is a Hair transplant in Tijuana, a safe and wonderful procedure that can improve your image and cover the empty spaces of your scalp.

This method will guarantee you a natural result, that no one will believe that you underwent this procedure. If you want to know more, continue reading this article, so we clear all your doubts and find out if you qualify for a hair transplant.


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What does a hair transplant consist of?

Hair transplant surgery consists of extracting hairs and follicles from areas where they never fall out, such as the sides of the head and the neck, and transferring them to places where they do not exist. This technique gives a perfectly natural look to your scalp, making it appear that the head has enough hair in optimal condition.

However, you should know that after two or three weeks, the hair falls out; this process is completely normal since the hair is in a period of adaptation. That means that in a period of two or three months, they grow back and remain in that same area as if it were their place of origin, keeping all their characteristics.

How is a hair transplant performed?

Very often, the hairs of the scalp come out in groups of two or three. Other times they come out completely or in sets of four or five; these follicular groups are the basis of the transplant that is obtained with the help of a microscope. Generally, strips of skin 8 to 10 mm wide are sectioned, and the donor area is shaved.

This is a thorough procedure because where the skin is cut and sutured, it leaves a small scar that will cover the rest of the hair. Once the strip of skin is obtained, this tissue is divided into small portions, as if they were sheets. Then in the recipient areas, the specialist will make small incisions to introduce the extracted tissues.

Depending on the baldness and the patient’s age, it will be the amount that is grafted and the time it lasts. We can say that the specialist takes two to four hours for the surgery, but in some specific cases, it can take longer.


Who can qualify for an intervention like this?

Knowing the following requirements to qualify if you want to benefit from a Hair Transplant in Tijuana:

  • Continuous hair loss, especially with advanced or medium baldness
  • Low amplification scarring alopecia
  • Hair loss is due to hormonal problems
  • People who have baldness due to a burn or hair disease
  • Desire to hide scars from previous transplants.

Hair transplant is not indicated in initial baldness, nor in patients with poor or scarce areas concerning the area to be covered.

What are the effectiveness and risks of a hair transplant?

The results of a Hair Transplant in Tijuana are extraordinary if you are in the hands of the best specialists. The main advantage is that this technique does not leave visible scars. Also, the grafted area retains its density by not removing the strips, so the process has a short postoperative period.

On the other hand, in some cases, complications may occur. Although they are rare, you need to be aware of them; they may consist of:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection in the area
  • Bad healing
  • Different color than the original
  • Death of the follicles after being grafted

Knowing the pros and cons of a hair transplant will certainly guide you in making an excellent decision. If you want to find the best plastic surgeon in Mexico, rest assured that Health & Wellness Bazaar will know how to advise you correctly.

How should you prepare for this procedure?

Hair transplantation is performed in a clinic on an outpatient basis with local anesthesia or sedation. But, before a Hair Transplant in Tijuana, you must prepare thoroughly to have a successful result. For example, you must stop smoking well in advance; this will favor the oxygenation of your skin and correct healing after the intervention.

At the same time, it is especially important that you do not drink alcohol a few days beforehand, as alcohol thins the blood and can lead to increased bleeding before, during, and after. On the other hand, the surgeon will suggest stopping medications that could compromise the surgery and coagulate the blood, such as aspirin, clopidogrel, or Cintron.

When the day of the operation arrives, without a doubt, keep your hair free of any hair product, so the extraction of the follicles will be simple, and the time of the intervention will not be complicated.

Can hair fall out again?

Are you worried about having surgery and then not working? Well, it’s interesting that when the grafts are added to the corresponding areas, they are genetically programmed to grow throughout life. Since they have hormone receptors, they are not affected by enzyme hyperactivity; therefore, they will not fall off once transplanted and continue to grow normally.

You will be pleased to know that this hair technique is considered the most advanced and reliable in the world.

How will your recovery be?

Initially, small scabs form in the intervened area, but they disappear after a few days. In the meantime, try not to do any sports or intense physical activity. You can wash your hair daily with antiseptic soap, thus preventing an infection. Like any surgery, the Hair Transplant in Tijuana is delicate, but you will see remarkable results in 10 or 12 months if you carry out the indicated care.

A hair transplant is a smart move because it will give your life meaning and give you back the confidence you used to have. Although the surgery can be risky, your benefits will be much greater and remarkable. Therefore, dare live this phenomenal experience and enjoy the hair you deserve!

If you want to know more about this technique, contact a patient care coordinator at Health & Wellness Bazaar, who has managed to change lives on a daily basis. Make an appointment today so that a specialist doctor can evaluate you and explain the procedure in more detail; call us at (858) 779-2552 or email us at