Is weight regain a myth or a reality? This important question may have come to your mind if you have considered having a gastric sleeve in Tijuana. Surely you are looking for an ultimate method to help you leave obesity behind. But will this surgery be right for you? Find out below.
Gastric Sleeve in Tijuana: What is the weight regain effect?
The weight regain effect – also known as the rebound effect- is a reverse reaction of the body, commonly after implementing a strict diet. Thus, the body recovers or even gains more weight than before starting a diet. It may be that with this diet, you have managed to lose weight significantly, and shortly after, you may experience a disappointing weight regain. So, losing weight can become a constant struggle.
On the other hand, gastric sleeve surgery is an effective method to lose weight dramatically. Patients can lose most or all of their excess body weight in a period of 12 to 18 months.
However, the gastric sleeve does not do all the work on its own but is an effective tool that is part of a complete process guided by weight loss professionals. Therefore, it is recommended to go to our world-class bariatric center in Mexico, where weight loss surgery experts can help you achieve incredible results and see a solution to your chronic conditions.
How does gastric sleeve surgery work?
Gastric sleeve surgery in Tijuana is a surgical procedure where about 85% of the stomach is removed to reduce its storage capacity and start the food digestion process. Thanks to this process, patients experience a faster feeling of satiety. They see the need to modify their portions and eating habits. Consequently, they begin to lose weight steadily during the first few weeks and months.
Will you avoid healthy diets for good? No, dietitians, psychologists, bariatric surgeons, and other specialists are involved in this process and will help you before, during, and after gastric sleeve surgery. Why is there a need for effort and ongoing support? So that you can enjoy permanent weight loss and adopt a new lifestyle. That means that unlike an extreme diet done sporadically, your new diet plan, exercise, and healthy habits must be progressive, but for life.
Gastric Sleeve in Tijuana: Mistakes you can avoid after surgery
Generally, after a gastric sleeve in Tijuana, patients manage to lose all the estimated weight after a process of about a year. A progressive but constant loss allows your body to assimilate the changes, avoid nutritional deficiencies, and establish healthy habits.
However, some studies have shown that 2-3 years after surgery, 10-20% of bariatric patients had regained weight. That is, of 100 people who underwent a gastric sleeve, an average of 20 will have gained weight. The reason? Very simply, they may have made one of the following mistakes:
- Eating substantial portions of food
Eating bigger portions of food than recommended for those who have had a gastric sleeve in Tijuana can cause some frequent discomforts such as vomiting, diarrhea, or reflux. But it can also affect the results of your surgery. The stomach works like a muscle. Thus, if you start consuming big meals or big portions, it will expand again, and therefore it will be easy to fall into old habits while you begin to regain weight.
- Eating healthy food
Starting a new eating plan does not mean that you cannot eat what you love, but you will learn to decide when to eat it and how and what portions to eat. However, many are tempted to replace healthy food by eating only fast food, high-calorie foods, or fried foods. That fact added to the lack of supplements and nutrients can affect their health, making them incredibly susceptible to regaining weight.
- Return to a sedentary life
Constant physical exercise helps the digestive system function correctly, lose calories, control stress and anxiety, and provides other benefits. Therefore, being inconsistent in your routine or resuming smoking and other unhealthy habits altogether can begin to affect weight loss indirectly. Of course, it is worth mentioning that eating habits are more important than exercise habits. Even so, both complement each other.
- Emotional disorders
Taking care of your mental health will be just as important as taking care of your physical health. Those who reject psychological support or therapy may have even more difficulty coping with obstacles. For this reason, it is essential to learn to manage emotions, such as anxiety, stress, and depression, since these can lead to eating without thinking. Instead, when patients achieve emotional stability, they can avoid harmful habits.
Falling back to these mistakes and adverse habits is usually due to what many consider to be the bariatric honeymoon. It is the moment when patients are already reaching their weight loss goal, they feel motivated, comfortable, and confident, so they begin to give themselves small liberties in their habits that make them return to their previous lifestyle.
What happens if a patient who has had a gastric sleeve gains weight again? In that case, you should consult your bariatric surgeon in Tijuana, and you will be able to start a multidisciplinary program to change your habits again. In some situations, revision surgery, another surgery to adjust the first surgery and help you start losing weight again, may also be done.
Gastric Sleeve in Tijuana: How to overcome weight loss barriers
Of course, there are ups and downs in the weight loss journey. But no one is destined to fail. Having a professional program through the bariatric center in Mexico allows you to receive advice, guidance, psychological and medical support necessary to overcome each obstacle in the process.
Our top-rated specialists will help you determine the causes and factors that have contributed to your weight gain, but they will also provide you with effective and safe solutions so that you can achieve remarkable health, reduce the risks to your life and feel better about yourself.
We invite you to learn more about gastric sleeve in Tijuana and other alternatives to lose weight and lead a healthy lifestyle. You can schedule a free consultation today, and a specialist will help you solve your doubts and questions. Reach out to our health & wellness experts at our email or call us toll-free at (858) 779-2552.