What Causes Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve? Medical Tourism Mexico

Medical Tourism Mexico

Thanks to medical tourism Mexico, more and more people have access to effective and safe treatments against obesity. That’s right, nowadays, it is possible to leave obesity behind once and for through weight loss surgery in Mexico.

However, before undergoing this safe and effective medical treatment, many wonder how to avoid regaining weight and what can cause it. Find out below.

When am I most likely to regain weight?

Is weight regain typical immediately after surgery? No, in fact, in general, in the first few months, patients tend to experience massive, rapid, and steady weight loss. Patients who undergo gastric sleeve surgery in Tijuana are expected to achieve their weight loss goal in a year to a year and a half. During this stage, they are often motivated and fascinated to experience this change in their life. But studies have shown that a small percentage of patients regain weight between the third and fifth year after surgery.

Causes of weight regain – Medical Tourism Mexico

After a patient has lost the desired weight, he can enter a stage of stability and comfort. However, that confidence can lead you to relax your routine and gradually abandon healthy eating habits.

Among the main reasons you can gain weight are behavioral and psychological aspects, although sometimes it can also be due to anatomical changes. These are some of the most common causes:

  1. Snack between meals

After gastric sleeve surgery, patients who are part of medical tourism Mexico learn that it is essential to have set hours and defined portions. However, it is easy to misalign these schedules due to the well-known ‘snacks,’ which often contain a high glycemic load.

This tendency to snack between meals does not necessarily arise from the sensation of hunger but may be due to an ingrained habit in both personal and social life. But that can cause the stomach to receive more than the required portion each day and even begin to regain more capacity over time.

  1. Skipping meals

Conversely, what about skipping meals? Is it really something that can affect you? Yes. That is another common habit that can be the product of overwork, daily tasks, or simply a lack of organization in your everyday life.

It is common that when a person pampers himself, he subconsciously wants to compensate for her hunger by eating twice as much. That will only cause your digestive system to suffer constant imbalances, and what is more, you do not take in the necessary nutrients in your diet correctly.

  1. Carbs consumption

The consumption of carbohydrates and hypercaloric foods are a widespread cause of weight regain and one of the biggest enemies of former obese patients. And it is that they are found everywhere, both at work and in social activities. It is common to be surrounded by sugary drinks, soft drinks, juices, and other foods that stimulate unhealthy habits.

The problem lies in starting to consume them more frequently, and these tend to slow down the metabolism and make it difficult to process. And as we all know, sugar and carbohydrates can be addictive, so it will take discipline to avoid them.

  1. Your relationship with food has not changed

Although bariatric patients go through several physical changes, they must mainly make changes in their minds to permanent weight loss. Many people with obesity form a strong bond with food as it has become an emotional comfort or outlet for years.

When a patient does not change this link to emotional eating, it becomes much more difficult to follow their new eating plan or stick to it in stressful situations. That is why it is essential to change your relationship with food and learn to see it as a means to bring you more health and help you lose weight.

  1. Mental or emotional instability

Among the effects of obesity is that it can cause low self-esteem, depression, or anxiety in those who suffer from it. That is why it requires being prepared physically and mentally, and emotionally. Keep in mind that the patient will experience many changes in his life during this process, so he needs to stay motivated and committed so that when obstacles arise, he does not abandon his efforts.

That can happen in events such as breakups or job loss. When a patient fails to manage emotional ups and downs adequately, he may make the mistake of eating larger portions due to anxiety or abandoning his exercise routine.

  1. Physical aspects

Those patients who suffer from thyroid problems, hormonal imbalances, or some other disease that affects their metabolism can cause problems for their weight loss. Although some of these pathologies are not contraindicated for bariatric surgery, it is essential to control them strictly.

Giving timely attention to these diseases before, during, and after gastric sleeve surgery in Tijuana will make your efforts provide better results and help you avoid unwanted weight gain even better.

  1. Abandon your medical control

There are some cases where patients believe that they can control everything without professional help. And most of the work will indeed depend on the patient’s effort. However, abandoning your medical treatment at an early stage can pose a danger to both your weight loss and your health.

And there is no lack of well-intentioned advice, remedies, or diets from third parties that will give you recommendations to lose weight. But remember that health professionals who have experience in this type of procedure are the best ones to guide you during your process.

Weight regain solutions

  • Discipline and perseverance

If you want your results to be permanent, discipline and perseverance will be your best allies. Bariatric patients must renew their mentality and way of living daily to maintain remarkable results.

Instead of dwelling on negative events or your mistakes, focus on each achievement and the benefits of making a change in your life. In this way, you will make every effort count and overcome challenges.

  • Professional support

As part of medical tourism Mexico, it is recommended that each bariatric patient receive the help of experts in psychology and nutrition, as well as the guidance of their follow-up doctor, since these specialists will help you identify problems and provide early solutions.

For example, a psychologist can help you deal with negative thoughts and emotional connections and help keep you motivated, so you don’t relapse. And your nutritionist will provide you with alternatives that fit your needs. He will give your ideas on making food more appetizing and accompany you at each stage of your process.

  • Support from friends and family

When starting and during a weight loss process, it is vital that you have a support network in your daily life, such as a support group or the support of close friends who provide emotional and mental stability to the patient.

The constant support of those around you also plays a key role. Because if you lead an unhealthy lifestyle at home or with your friends, it will be more difficult for you to meet your goals, and you could fall back into old habits. On the other hand, if they are willing to adjust their diet, they will provide the bariatric patient with greater motivation to maintain their weight.

  • Bariatric revision surgery

In short, if you are experiencing weight gain, see your bariatric surgeon in Tijuana as soon as possible. Taking action at the first signs can help you cope and stay in control.

When the cause is physiological, and despite the fact that the patient is following his exercise and eating plan, performing a second surgery is possible. This is known as revision bariatric surgery, which focuses on solving any defect from previous surgery or the digestive system itself.

Maintain your weight results permanently!

Is it always bad to gain weight? Not necessarily. In fact, after several months of integrating constant physical exercise, it can make patients gain muscle. What can be reflected on the scale but remember that muscle is not the same as fat. To find out if this is happening to you, check your BMI with your doctor and compare it with what you had initially.

If you are thinking of having bariatric surgery through medical tourism Mexico or have already gone through this process, we invite you to contact us if you want more information about it. You can call us toll-free (858) 77+ 2552 or email your questions at info@hwbazaar.com

Health & Wellness Bazaar is your trusted one-stop shop for anything related to Medical Tourism in Tijuana, Mexico. We are a full-service Patient Advocacy team devoted to your health, safety and satisfaction when you choose to travel to Mexico for medical care. Your only concern is your recovery, we take care of the rest.

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